Product Details FAQ
- Where are your goods shipped from?
- Ca
- How soon we can get email response from your team?
- 24 hours
- If we have some other product requirements that your page don't include, can you help to supply?
- OK
- "Does your product have warranty service?
- How long is the warranty period?"
- 3-year Parts Warranty
- Should I Get a Hard-Shell or Soft-Fabric Tonneau Cover?
- If you want waterproof security and a locking mechanism to protect any valuables you may want to keep in your tuck, you should opt for a hard-shell tonneau cover. But be advised, it will add weight to the vehicle and potentially negate any added fuel efficiency. A soft cover will be lighter weight, but won't be as secure or durable. Your call.
- Can I Install a Tonneau Cover Myself?
- Sure, you can. Most modern tonneau covers can be installed by any reasonably handy do-it-yourselfer with the proper tools—and the willingness to experiment on his own vehicle. To that end, if you're unsure, we definitely recommend professional installation. Hey, it's your truck.